Hi, Happy new Year!
I hope your holiday was good to. Today we are gonna talk about Pina Bausch.
What? You don’t know her? Well, that is the reason you read it! Pina is actually called Phillipine Bausch. Though she dosent like her name that means she uses ,,Pina” es her short name.
So we are gonna call her Pina, just incase she reads it!:) Ok so she had a very amazing life. She was born on 27. July 1940 and died on 30. June 2009 in Wuppertal, Germany.
She had 2 Sibling but they also died 🙁 Her Parents invested alot of time for Pina just to become a World Class dancer. Her Parents were Anita and August Bausch.
She is a modern dancer but in my opinion her dances: very strange. She started at a very young age to take ballet lessons. Later when she got 14 she studied modern dance and took modern dance lessons
She said that nature is her inspiration. But on 30. June 2009 she died because of cancer. She drank alot of Alcohol and smoked almost evrytime, so don’t EVER smoke!
When she got 14 she also was on Paul Sanasandros Dance Academy. She was also very skinny and to thin. She had a lot of performances and some of her dances were Le Sacre du Printemps and the german thing ,, tanz mit mir” wich means dance with me.
Pina danced with a lot of Persons and duos and Group Dances. Some of her dance Partners were Igor Strawinski and some more. She danced evry day and alot of hours per day.
She got to go to the Essener Folkwang Schule to dance and to show her skills. There is also a movie about her life. And alot of books explaining her life.
I don’t like the way she dances because its very extreme strange, just check it out on YouTube you can watch the movie or some dances. She was an amazing dancer and an inspiration for modern daners.
She also got to Co- Operate with Martha hills.
So, se you tomorrow Bye